Greplaw at Harvard has an interview up with Brad Templeton, Chairman of the EFF.

Good overview of what the EFF is, what they do, and what Brad personally believes in as well as where he came from.

Here’s a great quote:

# If you choose the three – and only three – most important issues for the EFF – what would they be?

Two of the EFF’s core issues — freedom of speech and surveillance — remain even more important today than they ever were. But the growing issue right now is certainly intellectual property and copyright — in particular when such areas of law start affecting freedom of speech, freedom to do research and to build software, freedom to publish and reverse engineer, all of which are happening under the DMCA.

Greplaw also has a rather tongue in cheek interview with Prof. Lawrence Lessig.

Apparently, Prof. Lessig’s personal blog was hosted by Gov. Howard Dean last week. What a great read! Dean mentions his thoughts on the DMCA, copyright and other issues. Dean’s campaign also has a blog up about the campaign.

Good stuff.