Jorge Castro and I were talking this morning in #banshee as Jorge asked if it was possible to create a smart playlist to see your music purchases.

And it is!

Jorge’s idea was for the UbuntuOne music store from I don’t use Ubuntu, but I do buy (too many) songs from Amazon.

Amazon adds a comment in the metadata of each song you buy, such as: Song ID: 216030141 (If you’re curious, it’s the song Drunk Girls by LCD Soundsystem that I bought this morning for only $5!)

Create a smart playlist in Banshee by choosing from the menu Media -> New Smart Playlist.

Name your playlist (I used “Amazon”) and select “Match all of the following” and

Comment” “contains” and enter “ Song ID:” and press “Save“.

Voila! One smart playlist is created that shows all of your Amazon purchases. And since it’s so smart, when you buy new music it automatically updates the playlist (Yes, I bought another album this morning, don’t tell my wife). You can do the same for the UbuntuOne store using “Purchased from” instead of the Amazon Song ID: in the smart playlist comment.

Amazon Smart Playlist Screenshot in Banshee