Upcoming GNOME Marketing Hackfest
Stormy was kind enough to announce our next Marketing hackfest this week while I was out sick. (I’m such a slacker, always have an excuse!)
This hackfest is all about GNOME 3.0 marketing planning, preparation and execution. GNOME 3.0 coming this fall is a huge milestone for GNOME and our role as a marketing team is to have marketing and promotion materials ready to introduce our users to what GNOME 3.0 is and what it means.
The regional governments of Zaragoza and Aragon had previously reached out to GNOME as they are deploying free software within their governments and have kindly offered to help with hosting. Part of our role will also be to discuss GNOME and free software with them.
The hackfest is scheduled May 5th through the 7th and the details are on the hackfest wiki page. You will also find the agenda, hackfest goals and travel information.
If you are interested in coming, please add your name to the wiki page and please review the GNOME Travel policies if you would like to request a travel sponsorship / subsidy.
The first Marketing hackfest late last year was a success and we learned a lot doing it. I’ll be working over the next week or two to make sure all of the previous hackfest work and information is updated and shared. (One thing I learned I could do better!)