I was disappointed to read in USA Today yesterday that ABC has pulled Eyes for Mays sweeps. I was really enjoying it, it had great humor, a good plot, and good pacing.

24 this season has been excellent. Instead of switching antagonists halfway through, they’ve done a good job with the plot and the focus on the current villian. The latest plot twist with China has been well done. Best of all, what they’ve done with Jack this season has really given me pause as you can see the stress of the job, the effect and toll it takes on his personal life, and how it effects him. I was surprised to read today that NBC is making a strong bid to steal 24 away from Fox next year.

I’m very impressed with Lost, which gives Desperate Housewives a run for it’s money as best new TV show this season. (Worst? American Dad). The plot has been very well done (how long can you have a show about plane crash survivors on an island?), and the way every charater is inter-connected is fascinating. With Lost, you have more questions than answers… (Though I do have some concerns with some of the rumors about casting changes for next season. They’ve focused on 14 of the 48 survivors this season, which gives them the ability to bring in other actors, but it will be interesting to see how the chemistry and the plots will work).

And damn Fox for yanking Arrested Development. Just like Alias, which we’ll get to in a second, the network needs to commit to the show, stick it in a time slot where it can be successful, and drive it. They also need to pick this show up for next season. The comedy in this show is one of a kind.

I’m glad Alias has found it’s viewers being after Lost. I’m all for what FOX & ABC did with 24 and Alias respectively this year, in starting the seasons late, so they can show a new episode every week. With episodic shows like these, that have major plots that continue, breaking them up (like Lost or Desperate Housewives) sucks when you’re waiting a month at a time for new episodes. I was pretty skeptical with Alias at the beginning of the season as they rebooted…again, but Alias has really found it’s voice in the latter two thirds of the season. They’ve kept the Rambaldi stuff topical, Sidney’s sister hasn’t been a bad addition to the cast (not great, but done well), and they haven’t overplayed the Vaughn / his dad angle too much, while keeping Sloane and Jack in the mix as well. Kudos to JJ Abrams and ABC for a good job. It’s sucked me back in as I was about to give up on it.

And Desperate Housewives? I dig it, it’s a good solid soap opera, and I appreciate it for what it is.

Here’s to all the upcoming season finales!