I came across this article on Dr. Who, which is a primer and brief history for those who never watched the show.

Dr. Who was was one of my first introductions to science fiction. Introduced to me by a friend in grade school in the 6th or 7th grade, I remember many a Saturday night watching it on our local PBS station. Channel 10 would broadcast the entire episode, usually 90 minutes, every Saturday night, and would start over from the first Doctor on when they reached the end of the current shows.

One of the biggest disappointments I remember was in 8th grade, and the 25th anniversary convention was being held in Milwaukee. We had tickets, and my buddy got bronchitis and was unable to go. A year or two later, our local PBS affiliate stopped showing it (if I remember correctly, it was one of the more expensive licensees for a PBS station) and I could catch in on cable on Channel 2, the PBS station out of Madison.

The 4th Doctor was by far the best. I was also a fan of the 6th Doctor, I thought he never got his fair shake, and the storylines with him on Gallifrey were well done.

I’ve Netflix’ed a few of the shows in the last couple of years (The 5 Doctors), and was taken aback at how campy it was, but it was still amusing. I still have a goal of buying The Key to Time episode arc, with the 4th Doctor and Romana, probably my favorite by far.