What started as a small project finished 2+ hours later with great results.

Started with getting the domain (MovieTuesday.com setup and hosted on silwenae.com.

That has had me thinking about the engine required to power it, and WordPress has a small security update out. Installed that here on the blog, and then installed the Kubrick template as the style I was using wasn’t doing that much for me. I dig Kubrick, it even comes with the Photoshop files to add the header picture, we’ll have to see if the Gimp can open those. If not, the readme has the file dimesnions, but I’m not much of an artist anyway. I would like to get links along the bottom of the header picture like the author used.

We (Kelly had to help me) spent a half hour trying to update my links in the sidebar, had to flesh out some PHP errors, but in the end it’s working, which gives me hope for the other things I want to add (Random photo’s, wishlist, desktop screenshot, now reading and listening, list goes on…).

And last but definitely not least, I’ve strugged over the last month with my former blog running B2evolution to get the XML / RSS output to be XML compliant so WordPress would import all my old posts.

Upgrading my old blog installation to the latest and greatest of B2Evo always resulted in database errors. I must have gone through that half a dozen times the last time I tried a month ago, and the kicker was whatever error the database schema encountered, I wasn’t able to delete the database when done. Tried again tonight, no luck. Being the smart feller I am, I installed the second latest verions of B2Evo, upgraded, and what do you know, the import took! It only took the last 5 entries I had done last November, spent 5 to 10 minutes figuring out how to get all posts to show, imported again and the magic box worked.

I’m guessing there were about 70 posts from the old blog from Jan ’03 to Nov ’03. I’ll need to go back through them over time and assign them categories, they’re all in the General category at the moment. The other odd thing is the links don’t look like they worked when scanning the posts (pick a month) – but if you actually click a post for the details, the links did work. So if I’m really motivated, I can fix those too through the edit portion.

I’m just happy it’s finally imported! Even if I had a huge break between posting, I have my evil company posts, my rants on radio (with the Rev105 tribute). EFF support way back when, and some early looks at Howard Dean.

In other site news, I registered for a Flickr account. I may try using that to photo blog the gaming party this weekend in Chicago. I’m uploading the Jan ’03 LAN Party pictures as we speak to try it out.