Help Bryen out
I can’t think of many worse ways to start a week than to read Bryen’s blog post this morning about having his equipment stolen as he travels to the Accessibility conference and hackfest. I was impressed to see how many of my friends shared the post in Google Reader to pass the news on.
I pinged Stormy to see if there was something we can do and and she let me know my co-worker Stephen Shaw was already on it. Stephen has set up a Pledgie to collect donations to help Bryen out. I’m pretty excited as I went out to lunch and after coming back I see we’re already halfway past the goal!
I first met Bryen almost a year ago at the first GNOME Marketing Hackfest in Chicago. It was great meeting him in person and understanding how he used GNOME gave me a better understanding for how important GNOME’s support for accessibility is. Since then, I’ve worked and talked with Bryen about GNOME marketing and openSUSE marketing and have really enjoyed working with him.
If you have a few dollars you can spare, please think about donating. Thanks!