Foresight Issues Update
While the march to Foresight 2.1 continues to improve Foresight, one area that needs help, and is easy for a new contributor to jump into, is fixing current issues in Foresight.
While Foresight 2.1 will focus on a number of things to make Foresight even easier to use, such as improving boot up speed, printing, and installing packages, we would also like to fix as many bugs as we can.
A quick look at Foresight’s issue tracker, JIRA, shows the following:
637 total open issues (or 34% of all issues ever filed in JIRA)
In progress: 40 (2%)
Reopened: 15 (1%)
Needs QA: 120 (6%)
Blocker: 6 (1%)
Critical: 25 (3%)
Major: 77 (10%)
Normal: 572 (77%)
Minor: 55 (7%)
Trivial: 12 (2%)
By assignees:
Distro: 234 (31%)
Packagers: 123 (16%)
Ken VanDine 174 (23%)
Antonio Meireles 93 (12%)
Issues assigned to Distro need to be triaged and assigned. One other thing to note, is just because an issue is assigned to someone, doesn’t mean you can’t work on it! Issues are typically assigned to developers who we know can fix it, and we default to them.
We need your help! Out of the open issues, can you confirm it’s a bug? Try and re-create what happened to the user and comment on the issue if you can or can’t. Can you package? Jump in and browse package requests and build it! I’ll be triaging bugs over the holiday break, and if we can knock out a bunch of them prior to our 2.1 release, we can continue to make Foresight even better.
Want to learn more? Here are our wiki pages on using JIRA and triaging issues in Foresight.