I went to my first Twin Cities Linux User Group meeting Saturday. I’ve been to a few of the installfests, but was always too lazy to go downtown for a meeting.
It was pretty cool – held in the Computer Science building of the U of M, Jeff Price from Novell gave a talk on everything Novell is doing around Suse. While vague at times, Jeff gave a very good overview of how the entire suite of Novell products (Suse Linux Enterprise Server, Novell Linux Desktop, etc) work together, how NLD9 is different than Suse Professional 9.3 (corporate vs. hobbyist respectively), and various other topics.
His tone was conversational, and he skipped the slideware, which was just fine. Good participation from the audience, including sidebars on HDTV and MythTV. I’ve volunteered to burn some copies of Suse 9.3 Pro, so I’ll definitely be at the next one.