Looking through the referrer logs on silwenae.com last night, I was surprised to see all the hits I’ve received from Google.

Sure enough, I tested out the links, and searched a bit on Google, and then double checked this morning on a different browser and machine to make sure I’m not crazy.

Silwenae.com, home of our World of Warcraft guild, Apatheia, is currently the 10th search result on Google when you search for “WoW Guild”. Front page of Google, baby!

Searching for “wow screenshots” results in the number two and three spots on Google.

Impressive. Google page rankings in search results are based on the number of people who link to you – and considering the search results for “wow screenshots” only has Blizzard above my website, that’s damn impressive.

Who knew I’d ever run a popular website after all the hobbyist versions I’ve had over the years?