My head is still buzzing from all the activity here at Gran Canaria. This is both my first time at GUADEC, and in Europe. That, combined with all the different people I’ve been meeting and conversations I’ve been having, has my head spinning in a good way.

I’ve really gotten a kick out of meeting people, and the reactions I get:

  • I’m the GNOME Journal guy. Please come see me, I need writers! And Jorge and I have something special planned for Wednesday, so make sure you find one of us.
  • I’m the GNOME Docs guy. “You sure blog a lot!” Well sure, I write stuff.
  • I’m the GNOME marketing guy. This one might make me the happiest, as I’ve blogged the least about it. We have some pretty cool stuff lined up for the Marketing team, and I’ll make sure I blog about it soon.

The talks have been great so far. I enjoyed r0ml’s keynote yesterday the most. I wish I could verbalize all the thoughts in my head around his talk, but it was a great way to think about code. RMS’ talk, well, not so much, as others have blogged.

Today’s sessions were great – a good one on Community from Alexandra of Nokia, and Owen’s talk on GNOME Shell was awesome.

Thank you to everyone in the community for making me feel welcome, I’m having a great time here!