Over thirty years later, Blade Runner still remains one of my favorite films (as I’ve previously blogged about).  It was only six weeks ago that I sat down and watched it again – it is easily one of the movies I can watch over and over and still enjoy with a sense of wonder.

I’m not the only one who shares a passion for Blade Runner, as fans have paid tribute to the classic film in a few ways in 2013:

Blade Runner: 8 Bit Cinema – here is the film re-told as a classic video game.  If only this was a real game! (Via Gizmodo)


Moments Lost: Music and Art inspired by Blade Runner. This is an IndieGoGo campaign to create a full length soundtrack using Vangelis’ original recording equipment. (Vangelis did the original soundtrack to the film). It will also include 8 stories and 8 illustrations as part of the fundraising campaign.


Lastly, here is Blade Runner done as 12,000 hand painted water color paintings.  As Rob Beschizza of Boing Boing wrote:

The absolutely stunning work of Swedish artist Anders Ramsell, who painted each frame as a 1.5 x 3cm work of art. It’s taken him a while to complete the epic job; Pesco wrote about the first three minutes last year. The end result runs about 30 minutes, which is exactly how long Blade Runner should be.

